By Numerologist.com

Aha! This is the moment you’ve been waiting for. 2017 is finally over.

You might feel worn-out, battered and bruised after last year, and one could hardly blame you. 2017 was challenging for most.

It was a year of massive upheaval and uncertainty…

A year that rushed by like a raging river, accumulating more and more power and momentum as it went, devouring everything in its path.

Disasters, disease, political turmoil, and a cosmic cauldron of turbulent astrological events that boiled over in December…

All tokens of a unusually tumultuous “1” Universal Year.

Yet, here you are. You made it. You weathered the storm…

And we’ve got a numerologically accurate reason for you to finally breathe a sigh of relief.

2018 IS AN 11 UNIVERSAL YEAR (2 + 0 + 1 + 8 = 11).

Remember, the Universal Year Number represents an unavoidable energetic frequency that influences every single person on the planet.

The shackles are off, the delays are behind you, and the cosmos are conspiring in your favor…

11 is the Master Number of intuition, psychic connection and manifestation.

And before you go wondering whether this double dose of “1” energy means a doubly-more-difficult year than last, you can rest easy. This time, you will not be swept away by the Number 1’s relentless and impatient energy that may have sabotaged your success last year. In fact, if you’re prepared, 2018 will be infinitely easier than 2017.

So, if you’re ready to leave last year in your dust and start this new year off right…

Watch our quick video below to discover 5 simple steps for harnessing this powerful rush of 11 Universal energy and supercharging your manifestation power in 2018:

0:11 – The single most searingly urgent equation of 2018.
0:31 – What you didn’t know about the Number 11, and why it’s the most rare and powerful number of all.
1:02 – Why 2017 will be infinitely easier than 2018 (time to breathe a sigh of relief)…
1:16 – The twin divine energies that will lovingly guide your transition through the New Year…
1:55 – A surprise New Year announcement.
2:17 – 5 simple steps for harmonizing with 2018’s Universal energy, starting today.
2:50 – The ONE thing all good numerologists do before making ANY major life decisions.
3:01 – How to interpret the seemingly random number messages that appear in your daily life and environment.
3:34 – What you must do next…

We’ve been busy preparing something for you – a personalized gift that will decode YOUR personal numerology for 2018 and reveal the opportunities and challenges waiting for you this year. It will be ready soon, so keep your eyes on your inbox…

2018 numerology report

Click here to get the direction and clarification you need for 2018

In the meantime, from all of us here at Numerologist.com, Happy New Year!

The Numerologist.com Team

2 Responses

  1. Jason Tyler says:

    Stop posting your crap all over Facebook

  2. K says:

    The number should actually be 2. When dbl digits, you add them together… 11=1+1=2

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